Eliminating Barriers to Racial Equity

Our Approach


To expose forms of racial discrimination, advocate for laws and policies that eliminate racial disparities, increase understanding of how structural racism and segregation impact our communities and region, and engage the public in fostering equity and inclusion.


Transformed, integrated communities in which no person's access to opportunity is limited by race or ethnicity


The days of routine rampant and violent acts of racial discrimination, fueled by racial prejudice, in the United States and on Long Island have been curbed by civil rights laws. However, as has been made clear by police killings across the country of Black boys and girls and women and men, violence carried out by arms of government has not ceased. In addition, it is well documented that skin color and ancestry are still a basis for routine discrimination and segregation—limiting choices and producing inequitable treatment and outcomes in public education, housing, and community development. In addition, many so-called "race neutral" decisions and policies, such as the protection of "local control", in fact, result in racial discrimination, produce racially disparate impacts, and perpetuate patterns of discrimination and racial segregation.

our approach