Eliminating Barriers to Racial Equity

CeCe 5/11

June 4, 2011

The Hate Crime of Cece McDonald


CeCe McDonald, an African American transwoman and LGBTQ activist from Minneapolis, came to media attention when she accepted a plea bargain of 41 months for second-degree manslaughter against a man who had harassed her with transphobic and racist comments. The man and his girlfriend had attacked and brutally beaten Ms. McDonald, and his death days later resulted from a wound that was inflicted during the attack. Ms. McDonalds was placed in a men's prison and served 19 months. This event is representative of the intensely disproportional amount violence inflicted on trans women of color.


Despite being the victim of the attack, McDonald was criminalized for self-defense, which would have been highly unlikely if she were a white women.

For more on Cece McDonald's case, see "The Case of CeCe McDonald: Murder or Self-Defense Against a Hate Crime? "