Eliminating Barriers to Racial Equity

May 11, 2013

"IQ and Immigration Policy" Dissertation


Jason Richwine of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank located in Washington DC, released a paper claiming that the intelligence levels and mental capabilities of the non-white immigrant population are far lower than that of the "white native population." Richwine further suggested that Hispanic immigrants recieve an IQ test before being admitted into the United States and to only allow entry to the "smart immigrants."


"Phrenology", popular in the 19th century, was a pseudoscientific technic of measuring the size and shape of someone's head to determine brain size and shape (as a measure for intelligence and emotional stability). "Scientists" and slave-owners used this tool to justify slavery, claiming that Africans had enlarged areas of the brain that correlated with their need for "a master." The practice has since found to be false, not unlike Richwine's claims, because there is no genetic or scientific difference between the brain's and intelligence of people by race. Continuing to perpetuate this myth means an endorsment of the claims for white supremacy.

For more see, " Why Did Harvard Give a PhD for a Discredited Approach to Race & IQ ? "