Eliminating Barriers to Racial Equity


August 4, 2015

 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Remarks

story-reid-obama-gi.jpgSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid had privately described then-candidate Senator Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign as a black candidate who could be successful because of his "light-skinned" appearance and speaking pattern "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one".


Here Reid employs narratives of racial superiority, determining that the greater the proximity to whiteness, the better the candidate. This form of colorism has a long history in the US. During the 20th century, a practice called the "brown paper bag test" was commonly used to determine which African-Americans would receive favorable consideration; if their skin color was darker than the bag, they could be excluded from social gatherings and institutions.

For more Reid's remarks see, " Reid apologizes for racial remarks about Obama during campaign ".